Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Have you ever met one of those people who ask for your help, blame you if it goes wrong, and are rarely grateful for your efforts? Quite defeating isn't it?

I had someone ask me to call and make a reservation at a restaurant for an event with friends, but found out that they may not be able to accommodate us. He got upset and blamed me for not being able to make the booking (restaurant doesn't take reservations), told me to go find another place (as if it were my fault), and when I told him I had something to do-- he subsequently tried to guilt-trip me into thinking that this was all my fault and I should fix HIS mess. Clearly disrespectful and ungrateful for the efforts I'd already made for HIS event. I'd already called other similar restaurants to see if they could accommodate us, and was waiting for them to get back to me. In the meantime, my day was already ruined by an ungrateful fool.

I haven't figured out how to end this positive feedback cycle of helping ungrateful people, because innately, I believe that if I have the ability to help others, I shall try my best. I end up hurting myself more, and suffering for it, while those ungrateful beings feel nothing.

Stay true to my principles, or change who I am for those who make the world a meaner place? I think not the latter, sadly.

Lesson learnt: Ungrateful people make you more aware of how to be grateful that you have this wonderful ability (to be grateful)-- it's a beautiful thing.